Loker kali ini merupakan informasi terbaru mengenai rekrutmen lowongan kerja di instansi PT Petrosea Tbk (Indika Energy Group) bulan Februari 2020.
Kali ini kami kembali membuka kesempatan berkarir kepada talenta muda yang berpendidikan minimal sarjana untuk mengisi posisi jabatan sebagai Posisi Terlampir.
Rekrutmen Terbaru PT Petrosea Tbk (Indika Energy Group) Sampai Pada Tanggal 2 Februari 2020

PT. Petrosea Tbk merupakan perusahaan publik yang berdiri tahun 1972 dan bergerak dalam bidang Jasa Kontrak Pertambangan, Engineering & Project Management serta Oil & Gas Services.
Kantor pusat PT Petrosea Tbk. saat ini terletak di Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini merupakan perusahaan EPC pertama yang melantai dibursa saham, yaitu pada tahun 1990.
Dengan Indika Energy sebagai holding company, petrosea kian memantapkan posisi sebagai perusahaan nasional yang mempunyai standar dan kapabilitas kelas internasional.
Posisi : Posisi Terlampir
Lowongan Kerja PT Petrosea Tbk (Indika Energy Group) Sampai 2 Februari 2020
Persyaratan Kualifikasi Loker PT Petrosea Tbk (Indika Energy Group)
PT Petrosea Tbk (Indika Energy Group) sekarang membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi Pisisi Terlampir, berikut Persyaratannya.A. Front-End Developer
- Specific Expertise, Excellent and In-depth Experience in using Modern JavaScript (React Native, Vue Native, Java, Kotlin, support with Software Design Pattern : Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Familiar and Got Experiences with Augmented Reality and has been involved at least at 1 Full Cycle Implementation or part of Product Research & Development Team
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Experience and Working Knowledge of HTML/CSS, XML and a Modern Front-End JavaScript Framework, such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, EmberJS and ReasonML and Application Security
- Good Programming Skills in at least one of Modern Programming Language/Framework, such as Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, Python
- Knowledge of SQL and 1 Common Database Technology : Microsoft SQLServer/PostgreSQL/ MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Knowledge of Pair Programming, Continuous Integration and Test-Driven Development
- Experience with at least one Unit Testing Framework, such as Mocha, RSpec
- Familiarity with the concepts of Functional Programming and MicroServices is a plus
- Community Contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude
- Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work
- Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
B. Back-End Developer
- At least 3-5 years of Software Development experience with experience working in Agile Teams
- Specific Expertise, Excellent and In-depth Experience in Programming Language : Python, Golang plus DotNet and NodeJS, Concept JavaScript Library for Realtime Web Applications (Socket IO)
- Experiences in Frameworks, Methodologies and Processes of Software Development such as : DDD (Software Design), FBP (Programming Paradigm), TDD (Code Design)
- Strong Knowledge and Experiences in Full-Cyle Development of Application Programming Interfaces (API’s), Interface or Integration with Middleware / Gateway to any other Business to Business (B2B) or Host to Host (H2H) Enterprise Application, Building Java, J2EE & Web Service Based Applications
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Experience and Working Knowledge of HTML/CSS, XML and a Modern Front-End JavaScript Framework, such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, EmberJS and ReasonML and Application Security
- Good Programming Skills in at least one of Modern Programming Language/Framework, such as Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, Python
- Knowledge of SQL and 1 Common Database Technology : Microsoft SQLServer/ PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Knowledge of Pair Programming, Continuous Integration and Test-Driven Development
- Experience with at least one Unit Testing Framework, such as Mocha, RSpec
- Familiarity with the concepts of Functional Programming and MicroServices is a plus
- Community contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude
- Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work
- Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
C. Full-Stack Developer
- At least 4-7 years of Software Development experience with experience working in Agile Teams
- Specific Expertise, Excellent and In-depth Experience in using Modern JavaScript (React Native, Vue Native, Java, Kotlin), support with Software Design Pattern : Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Specific Expertise, Excellent and In-depth Experience in Programming Language : Python, Golang plus DotNet and NodeJS, Concept JavaScript Library for Realtime Web Applications (Socket IO)
- Experiences in Frameworks, Methodologies and Processes of Software Development such as : DDD (Software Design), FBP (Programming Paradigm), TDD (Code Design)
- Strong Knowledge and Experiences in Full-Cyle Development of Application Programming Interfaces (API’s), Interface or Integration with Middleware/Gateway to any other Business to Business (B2B) or Host to Host (H2H) Enterprise Application, Building Java, J2EE & Web Service Based Applications
- Familiar and Got Experiences with Augmented Reality and has been involved at least at 1 Full Cycle Implementation or part of Product Research & Development Team
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Experience and Working Knowledge of HTML/CSS, XML and a Modern Front-End JavaScript Framework, such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, EmberJS and ReasonML and Application Security
- Good Programming Skills in at least one of Modern Programming Language/Framework, such as Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, Python
- Knowledge of SQL & DB Technology : MSSQLServer/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Knowledge of Pair Programming, Continuous Integration and Test-Driven Development
- Experience with at least one Unit Testing Framework, such as Mocha, RSpec
- Familiarity with the concepts of Functional Programming and MicroServices is a plus
- Community contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
D. ERP Technical Functional Specialist (SAP)
- At least 4-7 years of Software Development experience with experience working in Agile Teams
- Specific Expertise, Excellent and In-depth Experience in using Modern JavaScript (React Native, Vue Native, Java, Kotlin), support with Software Design Pattern : Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Specific Expertise, Excellent and In-depth Experience in Programming Language : Python, Golang plus DotNet and NodeJS, Concept JavaScript Library for Realtime Web Applications (Socket IO)
- Experiences in Frameworks, Methodologies and Processes of Software Development such as : DDD (Software Design), FBP (Programming Paradigm), TDD (Code Design)
- Strong Knowledge and Experiences in Full-Cyle Development of Application Programming Interfaces (API’s), Interface or Integration with Middleware/Gateway to any other Business to Business (B2B) or Host to Host (H2H) Enterprise Application, Building Java, J2EE & Web Service Based Applications
- Familiar and Got Experiences with Augmented Reality and has been involved at least at 1 Full Cycle Implementation or part of Product Research & Development Team
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Experience and Working Knowledge of HTML/CSS, XML and a Modern Front-End JavaScript Framework, such as ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, EmberJS and ReasonML and Application Security
- Good Programming Skills in at least one of Modern Programming Language/Framework, such as Node.JS, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, Python
- Knowledge of SQL & DB Technology : MSSQLServer/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Knowledge of Pair Programming, Continuous Integration and Test-Driven Development
- Experience with at least one Unit Testing Framework, such as Mocha, RSpec
- Familiarity with the concepts of Functional Programming and MicroServices is a plus
- Community contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
E. Technology Lead
- At least 3 years working experiences as ERP Technical & Functional Specialist or minimum 5 years working experiences as ERP Technical Specialist or ERP Functional Specialist
- Bachelor (S1) or Master (S2) Degree with Outstanding Result from Reputable University majoring in Computerized Accounting, Computer Science, Informatics Engineering or Industrial Engineering
- Experiences (Both as a Consultant or End-User) and has been involved minimum 1½ years in Several Modules or Full Cycle of SAP Implementation, covering these modules of FI, CO, PM, MM, PP, SD
- Build High Level of Enterprise Application Architecture, Provide Proper & Best Quality Control for Detail Design, Development, Unit Testing & Preparation before Product Go-Live by Utilizing the Appropriate Methodologies + Technology + Supporting Tools
- Experience in using Middleware Tools, PI/PO Integration Technologies in the Following Areas: Service Repository and Integration Directory, Data Mappings, XSLT Mappings, EDI and XML Communications, Proxies, Interface Definitions, and XSDs; Configuration and implementation of PI/PO Adapter Types (IDoc, RFC, JDBC, File, SOAP, WS, JMS, HTTP, REST and Proxy); Configuration, design, development, Message Monitoring; Adapter Logs, Adapter Engine Status, Communication Channels etc.
- Experience in Technical Design Solution of SAP ABAP as well as SAP (ECC & S4/HANA) Development, HANA SQL Script, also Carrying Out Performance Tuning of the HANA Models and Working with SAP HEC as required to Define Hot, Warm and Cold Data
- Hands-on experience working on SAP BW or SAP BW/4HANA in architecting Robust Reporting Platform, BW’s New Major Modelling Object, Custom SAP BW Extractors, Exposing BW Models As HANA Views with Mixed Scenarios, HANA Analysis Process in BW and Performance Optimization Concepts such as Data Tiering Optimization. This is including Experience with Integrating BW with various SAP and Non-SAP Backend Systems/Sources of Data with Simplified Data Integration
- Experiences or has been involved in Migrating Historical Data from Legacy Data Warehouse to BW/4HANA, Knowledge & Experiences with BW Specific Security Concepts around Roles Privileges
- Experience Working in start-up environment or organizations with an Agile Culture
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools would be plus point
- Knowledge of SQL & DB Technology : MSSQLServer/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
F. Product Support
- At least 3 years working experiences as Technology Specialist/Head of Technology or 5 years working experiences as Head of IT or Head of MIS or IT/MIS Manager
- Bachelor (S1) or Master (S2) Degree with Outstanding Result from Reputable University, majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information System, Informatics Engineering, Industrial Technology or Industrial Engineering
- Knowledge or Experience in Application Design & Development on Large Scale/Mission Critical Systems using Different Technologies, Modern Programming Languages/Frameworks, such as Node.JS, Go Lang, Elixir, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, Python, supported with Modern Front-End JavaScript Framework such as ReactJS, AngularJS, EmberJS, Vue.js* also Back-End Integration Development with Native Android/IOS (Objective-C), Build Tools of iOS/Android ( XCode, Gradle, Android Studio) and Digital Project that are delivered in Agile/Scrum, DevOps, Backend Integration with Clough Platform Deployment, including JavaScript EcoSystem : ES6+Syntax, Node.js, HTML5/CSS3, REST based APIs, Git, GitHub, SOAP, SaSS/LeSS, SQL/NoSQL, etc.
- Knowledge or Experiences with Code Refactoring, Design Patterns, Design-Driven Development, Continuous Deployment, Highly Scalable Applications, Application Security, Designing Distributed Applications, DevOps, Docker and Infrastructure as Code, Pair Programming, Continuous Integration, Test-Driven Development, Unit Tests using Jasmine, Mocha or Rspec*, Writing Functional Tests using Nightwatch.js or Test Armada, Familiarity with the concept of Functional Programming and MicroServices
- Knowledge or Experiences with SQL, RDBMS and Common Database Technology, such as Postgres, MongoDB, MariaDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, HBase, Neo4J*, Microsoft Data Technologies (such as SQL Server, SSIS, SSAS, Power BI)
- Infrastructure Knowledge or Experiences using RESTful APIs, Single Sign On, LDAP, Search Technologies, Common Enterprise Middleware (Red Hat JBoss EAP, IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic) and Middleware Tools (PI/PO Integration Technologies in the Following Areas : Service Repository and Integration Directory, Data Mappings, XSLT Mappings, EDI and XML Communications, Proxies, Interface Definitions, and XSDs ), Configuration and implementation of PI/PO Adapter Types (IDoc, RFC, JDBC, File, SOAP, WS, JMS, HTTP, REST and Proxy); Configuration, design, development, Message Monitoring; Adapter Logs, Adapter Engine Status, Communication Channels
- Knowledge in Cloud Computing Stack with experiences in some Deployment Model (Public, Private, Hyber, Community Cloud) and in some Cloud Services Model : IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), Storage, Database, Information, Process, Application, Integration, Security, Management, Testing-as-A-Service. Another Side are also including : Knowledge and Experiences in Virtualization of Servers & Desktops, Core Network Technology, Security (Firewalls and VPNS)
- Best Knowledge, Concept or Working Experience with Latest Technologies support with Its Related Supporting Tools for Internet of Things, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Big Data, Machine Learning, BlockChain and Artificial Intelligence
- Knowledge or Working Experience in Technical Design Solution of SAP ABAP as well as SAP (ECC & S4/HANA) Development and Performance Tuning of the HANA Models and Working with SAP HEC also Integrating Business Warehouse with various SAP and Non-SAP Backend Systems/ Sources of Data with Simplified Data Integration would be a great strong point
- Experiences or has been involved in Migrating Historical Data from Legacy Data Warehouse to BW/4HANA,. Knowledge & Experiences with BW Specific Security Concepts around Roles Privileges.
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools would be plus point
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English
G. Data Architect
- At least 3 years working experiences as Technology Specialist/Head of Technology or 5 years working experiences as Head of IT or Head of MIS or IT/MIS Manager
- Bachelor (S1) or Master (S2) Degree with Outstanding Result from Reputable University, majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information System, Informatics Engineering, Industrial Technology or Industrial Engineering
- Knowledge or Experience in Application Design & Development on Large Scale/Mission Critical Systems using Different Technologies, Modern Programming Languages/Frameworks, such as Node.JS, Go Lang, Elixir, Ruby on Rails, C, C++, Python, supported with Modern Front-End JavaScript Framework such as ReactJS, AngularJS, EmberJS, Vue.js* also Back-End Integration Development with Native Android/IOS (Objective-C), Build Tools of iOS/Android ( XCode, Gradle, Android Studio) and Digital Project that are delivered in Agile/Scrum, DevOps, Backend Integration with Clough Platform Deployment, including JavaScript EcoSystem : ES6+Syntax, Node.js, HTML5/CSS3, REST based APIs, Git, GitHub, SOAP, SaSS/LeSS, SQL/NoSQL, etc.
- Knowledge or Experiences with Code Refactoring, Design Patterns, Design-Driven Development, Continuous Deployment, Highly Scalable Applications, Application Security, Designing Distributed Applications, DevOps, Docker and Infrastructure as Code, Pair Programming, Continuous Integration, Test-Driven Development, Unit Tests using Jasmine, Mocha or Rspec*, Writing Functional Tests using Nightwatch.js or Test Armada, Familiarity with the concept of Functional Programming and MicroServices
- Knowledge or Experiences with SQL, RDBMS and Common Database Technology, such as Postgres, MongoDB, MariaDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, HBase, Neo4J*, Microsoft Data Technologies (such as SQL Server, SSIS, SSAS, Power BI)
- Infrastructure Knowledge or Experiences using RESTful APIs, Single Sign On, LDAP, Search Technologies, Common Enterprise Middleware (Red Hat JBoss EAP, IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic) and Middleware Tools (PI/PO Integration Technologies in the Following Areas : Service Repository and Integration Directory, Data Mappings, XSLT Mappings, EDI and XML Communications, Proxies, Interface Definitions, and XSDs ), Configuration and implementation of PI/PO Adapter Types (IDoc, RFC, JDBC, File, SOAP, WS, JMS, HTTP, REST and Proxy); Configuration, design, development, Message Monitoring; Adapter Logs, Adapter Engine Status, Communication Channels
- Knowledge in Cloud Computing Stack with experiences in some Deployment Model (Public, Private, Hyber, Community Cloud) and in some Cloud Services Model : IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), Storage, Database, Information, Process, Application, Integration, Security, Management, Testing-as-A-Service. Another Side are also including : Knowledge and Experiences in Virtualization of Servers & Desktops, Core Network Technology, Security (Firewalls and VPNS)
- Best Knowledge, Concept or Working Experience with Latest Technologies support with Its Related Supporting Tools for Internet of Things, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Big Data, Machine Learning, BlockChain and Artificial Intelligence
- Knowledge or Working Experience in Technical Design Solution of SAP ABAP as well as SAP (ECC & S4/HANA) Development and Performance Tuning of the HANA Models and Working with SAP HEC also Integrating Business Warehouse with various SAP and Non-SAP Backend Systems/ Sources of Data with Simplified Data Integration would be a great strong point
- Experiences or has been involved in Migrating Historical Data from Legacy Data Warehouse to BW/4HANA,. Knowledge & Experiences with BW Specific Security Concepts around Roles Privileges.
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools would be plus point
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English
H. Data Scientist
- At least 2 years working experiences as Data Scientist or minimum 3 years working experiences as Data Analyst or minimum 4 years working experiences as Data Engineer in Agile Teams
- Bachelor (S1) or Master (S2) Degree with Outstanding Result from Reputable University majoring in Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Industrial or Informatics Engineering
- Excellent or Specific Expertise, In-depth Experience & Knowledge in using Data & Visualization Tools (Microsoft Power BI, Qlik View & Qlik Sense, Talend, SAP B/W for HANA or Tableau), also Experience using some Statistical Tools (Advanced Level of MS Excel, SPSS, SAS, Stata, MatLab), Programming Language, Data Science & Machine Learning Tools (SQL Hive, Python, R, Java, C/C++)
- Familiar, Got Experiences & Fundamental Technique of Feature Engineering, Probability & Statistics, Data Structure, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Augmented Reality or Artificial Intelligence and has been involved in 1 Full Cycle Implementation or part of Product Research & Development Team
- Deep knowledge of machine learning, statistics, optimization or related field
- Experience with R or Python* is required. Background in programming in C, C++, Java*, is beneficial
- Experience working with large data sets, simulation/optimization and distributed computing tools (Map/Reduce, Hadoop, Hive, Spark, Gurobi, Arena, etc.)*
- Experience working in start-up environment or organizations with an agile culture
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Knowledge of SQL & DB Technology : MSSQLServer/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Knowledge of Pair Programming, Continuous Integration and Test-Driven Development
- Community Contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
I. Data Analyst Digitalization
- At Least 1 Year Working Experiences as Data Scientist or 2 Years Working Experiences as Data Analyst or Minimum 3 Years working experiences as Data Engineer in Agile Teams
- Bachelor (S1) or Master (S2) Degree with Outstanding Result from Reputable University or Overseas Graduates majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Industrial or Informatics Engineering
- Strong Numerical Abilities, Critical Thinkers, supported with the following abilities : Analytical Skills – Data Analysts Interpret & Analyse Data to Draw Conclusions & Identify Patterns; Computer Knowledge of Using Statistical and Analytical Software; Communication Skills – Often have to present their findings or translate the information into an easy-to-understand document, so the ability to communicate complex data, and to write and speak clearly, are important, so people with no data knowledge can comprehend; Math Skills – need to have strong numeracy skills to estimate and interpret numerical data; Attention to Detail – it’s vital be precise in their work, able to spot errors, and vigilant to ensure that any problems are corrected for accurate results
- Knowledge & Working Experiences in using Data & Visualization Tools (Microsoft Power BI, Qlik View & Qlik Sense, Talend, SAP B/W for HANA or Tableau), also Experience using some Statistical & Analytics Tools (Advanced Level MS Excel, R, SPSS, SAS, Stata, MatLab, Alteryx), Programming Language, Data Science & Machine Learning Tools (SQL Hive, DAX, Python, R, Java, C/C++)
- Understands Data Structure, Dimensions & Metrics Available Across Multiple Platforms, Experience/Familiarity in Ad-Serving & Web Analytics Tools : Google (Analytics, AdWords, Campaign Manager), Innovid, Facebook Business Manager, Twitter Analytics, MOAT, Omniture would be great strong point
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Knowledge of SQL & DB Technology : MSSQLServer/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Community Contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
J. Data Engineer Digitalization
- At Least 1 Year Working Experiences as Data Scientist or 2 Years Working Experiences as Data Analyst or Minimum 3 Years working experiences as Data Engineer in Agile Teams
- Bachelor (S1) or Master (S2) Degree with Outstanding Result from Reputable University or Overseas Graduates majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Industrial or Informatics Engineering
- Strong Numerical Abilities, Critical Thinkers, supported with the following abilities : Analytical Skills – Data Analysts Interpret & Analyse Data to Draw Conclusions & Identify Patterns; Computer Knowledge of Using Statistical and Analytical Software; Communication Skills – Often have to present their findings or translate the information into an easy-to-understand document, so the ability to communicate complex data, and to write and speak clearly, are important, so people with no data knowledge can comprehend; Math Skills – need to have strong numeracy skills to estimate and interpret numerical data; Attention to Detail – it’s vital be precise in their work, able to spot errors, and vigilant to ensure that any problems are corrected for accurate results
- Knowledge & Working Experiences in using Data & Visualization Tools (Microsoft Power BI, Qlik View & Qlik Sense, Talend, SAP B/W for HANA or Tableau), also Experience using some Statistical & Analytics Tools (Advanced Level MS Excel, R, SPSS, SAS, Stata, MatLab, Alteryx), Programming Language, Data Science & Machine Learning Tools (SQL Hive, DAX, Python, R, Java, C/C++)
- Understands Data Structure, Dimensions & Metrics Available Across Multiple Platforms, Experience/Familiarity in Ad-Serving & Web Analytics Tools : Google (Analytics, AdWords, Campaign Manager), Innovid, Facebook Business Manager, Twitter Analytics, MOAT, Omniture would be great strong point
- Experience using JIRA/Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service (VSTS)/Talend/Trello/Power Steering/KPI Fire/Wave/Redmine/Bitrix24/TaskWorld/SoftBless or other similar Project Management & Collaboration Tools
- Knowledge of SQL & DB Technology : MSSQLServer/PostgreSQL/MySQL/MongoDB/MariaDB
- Real Passion for Development and a Demonstrated Appetite for Continual Learning
- Community Contributions (e.g., open source work, publishing/speaking on technical ideas) is a plus
- Professionalism, Discipline, Integrity and “Can Do” Attitude, Team-Work Oriented, and able to Lead Cross-Functional Work. Able to Communicate, Presenting, Writing and Reading in English.
If you are interested into applying this position, please register yourself at our online recruitment system Petrosea Career at link below and apply to position with title: Civil Supervisor (example).
Bagi kawan kawan memiliki keinginan untuk bisa bergabung dan bekerja di instansi PT Petrosea Tbk (Indika Energy Group), silakan ikuti prosedur lowongan pekerjaan sebagai berikut:
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